Hypnotherapy to help with Exam Stress?


Young people are being put under more and more pressure by the education system of today. It is becoming more common that this pressure is leading to anxiety and pre-exam stress symptoms of many kinds.

This is not only hard for the young person to cope with but the behaviour that they are likely to exhibit when they are under this type of pressure can have an effect on the whole family dynamics.

There is also the obvious effect that stress means that we are unable to perform at our best and reach our full potential.

Older people returning to learning and requiring taking exams can suffer similarly and again Hypnotherapy can be an enormous help for controlling stress and also for helping learning.
Hypnosis along-side talking and support can help the person under stress regain control. As part of the therapy I am keen to teach self-hypnosis and will supply at the cost of £5 a self-hypnosis CD to help the client practice this.

I offer one to one counselling and support at the usual rate of £50 a session. I also offer a reduction to £30 a session for groups of two to four clients attending at the same time. Usually two sessions will provide great change and leave the clients with the tools to take control of their own exam stress.

 For more information please ring Christina on 07946126266